Indemnity Form for Youth (U19) Participants
Participant Information Name of Participant* Male Female* Date of Birth* Mobile Number* Email*
Emergency ContactParents / Guardian Name*Relationship*Mobile Number*Email*
I, Parent / Guardian Name* to consent Participant Name* to participate in the KI Cup with below terms & conditions. 2. The participant/parent/guardian declares that the participant has full knowledge of the risks involved and is well prepared; physically and sufficiently fit to undergo the KI Cup. He / She does not suffer from any illnesses that render him / her unfit for this race. 3. The participant/parent/guardian declares that the participant can swim at least 50 meters and is competent under water & treading water for 2 minutes in light clothing or the participant will be required to wear a PFD, which will be provided by the organizer. 4. The participant/parent/guardian agrees that the participant has strict compliance with all rules, regulations, requirements & instructions related to this race and the participant should be responsible for any death, personal injury or loss to property if such is caused by the violation of the regulations, requirements & instructions by the participant. 5. The participant/parent/guardian hereby agrees that if he / she suffers damage, death or personal injury as a result of participating in this race, he / she shall not hold the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, the appointed officials, staff, employees and volunteers liable for any claim or demand arising from the death, personal injury, damage or loss to property of the participant whereby such is not caused by negligence of RHKYC and he / she makes this agreement in full knowledge of the risks inherent in this race. 6. The participant/parent/guardian agrees to pay the costs or replacement for any damages to RHKYC equipment caused by the participant. 7. Participants in RHKYC Rowing and Paddle Sports event/race grant to RHKYC, at no cost, the absolute right and permission in perpetuity to use their image and likeness in any media for the sole purposes of advertising, promoting, reporting and disseminating information regarding this race. If you do not permit your image to be used in this manner on separate document, please notice the organizer (RHKYC Rowing and Paddle Sport department) in advance.8. Medical Declaration: It is my responsibility to make known any potential medical conditions that may affect our own safety and performance during this race and will inform RHKYC of any subsequent conditions that the activity leader should be aware of.
If you have any questions, please email to
Thank you.