RHKYC Adult Dinghy Racing Development Program
First Name
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Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Date Of Birth
Membership Number
Prior Experience / Certifications
Please upload copies of certificates if not obtained at RHKYC
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Indemnity and Declaration
Promotion: I understand that participants in RHKYC Sail Training Activities grant to RHKYC, at no cost, the absolute right and permission in perpetuity to use their image and likeness in any media, including video footage, for the sole purposes of advertising, promoting, reporting and disseminating information regarding RHKYC activities.
I Agree
Coaching Fees: Coaching fees are billed on a monthly basis at a flat rate of $1800 per month. The monthly fee applies for months that training is occurring (Normally Sep-June). Sailors withdrawing from the program will need to notify the program coordinator in writing and will cease to be billed in the calendar month following such notification. Coaching fees are billed through membership accounts.
I agree
Medical conditions we should be aware of:
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Indemnity: I declare that the applicant can swim for at least 50 meters and does not suffer from any illness that render him/her unfit for this activity. I agree that if the above student suffers damage, death or personal injury as a result of him/her participating in this RHKYC Sharks Racing Team I shall not hold the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club or employees liable for such damage, death or personal injury and I make this agreement in full knowledge of the risks inherent in these activities.
I agree
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